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Officers for 2023-2024:

 Mike Fulcher KC7V, President

Ray Benny N6VR, Northern Area Regional Vice President

 Chuck Zanella KF7U, Central Area Regional Vice President

 Owen Watson AK7W, Southern Area Regional Vice President

 John Merrill N1JM, Secretary/Treasurer

 John Arthurs K7WP, Public Relations


 Steve Anness KJ5T, Webmaster

Past President Gunslingers:
Bob Epstein K8IA June 2009 - May 2013
Mike Fulcher KC7V June 2013 - May 2015
Gary Hembree N7IR June 2015 - May 2016

Mike Fulcher KC7V June 2016 - May 2018

Andy Warycka NY7N, June 2018 - May 2020

Michael Mitchell W6RW, June 2020 - June 2021

Mike Fulcher June 2021  - May 2024

Committee Heads:
AOCC Ladder Competition: Bob Epstein K8IA, John Merrill N1JM
RTTY Contests: Bob Epstein K8IA
Major DX Contests: Bob Epstein K8IA
Domestic Contests, all except QSO Parties (i.e. SS, NAQP, NA Sprints etc): Dave Hachadorian K6LL
IOTA Contests: Ray Benny N6VR
Needs of the Contest Newcomer:  Bob Epstein K8IA
Propagation:  Gary Hembree N7IR, 
QSO Parties: Chuck Zanella KF7U, Captain; and Andy Smith KK7AC, Lieutenant
VHF/UHF Contests: Gary Hembree N7IR
Log Submissions QA Reviews:  Chuck Zanella KF7U

Website Team: Mike Fulcher KC7V, Bob Epstein K8IA, Sandy Farley N7RQ, Owen Watson AK7W

Gunslingers as of January 12, 2024

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© 2009 - 2024 Arizona Outlaws Contest Club - a 501 (C) 7 organization

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