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Outlaw Great!!


 The following Outlaws report station improvements for the coming 2017-18 contest season. More POINTS for our standing in Club Competition! We like POINTS.


  • Outlaw Larry WO7R, (owner of the NN7AZ QTH) supplements the report above with info that they are also planning some 160 and 80m improvements. He and the others are planning a bidirectional antenna for 160m and an upgrade from one 80m vertical to a pair.


  • Outlaw Chuck, now KF7U (ex KG7GYI) now has an Acom 1000 to elevate him into HP categories. More POINTS!


  • Outlaw Tom WA8WZG (a record holding VHF contester when he was in Ohio) now has an Orion II, and continues his antenna quest to further add to his Black Canyon City antenna farm and build up his Casa Grande QTH too. In the past few months, he has acquired another 64’ Tri-Ex crank up tower (he has three now), at least 300’ of Rohn 45 tower sections , a 4 el SteppIR, a Force 12 C31XR, a Hy-Gain TH11DX, an M-Squared 40M4LLDD and a few other goodies too. He has plans to go back to Ohio and get the remainder of his 130’ rotating tower (top 50’ rotate) and bring it here as well. He will be a contest force on HF soon too. Lots more POINTS!


  • Outlaw Dave K6LL, a year or so ago, acquired a 4O3A Triplexer and high power 4O3A bandpass filters for his KT-36XA yagi. That allows him to increase his SO2R efficiency as well as give him some interesting MultiOp options as well. More POINTS.


  • Outlaw Kelly N0VD is in the process of erecting two 70’ Rohn 45 towers. One will have a C31XR and the other a XM240. The XM240 tower will be shunt fed for 80/160 too. More POINTS. (Completed as of late 2017!)


  • Outlaw John WA7NWL has a new K3S. That, and some new planned antennas, should help him with making more POINTS.


  • Outlaw Carl KB7AZ, 1) added a second OCF 80-10 meter dipole perpendicular to the first one. 2) added a 1500-watt automatic antenna tuner for the low bands and 3) added a 40m vertical. Definitely more POINTS.


  • Outlaw Bob K7JQ added a second radio, an IC-7300 to complement his IC-7600. He got a double bonus from having the IC-7300 as it allowed him to implement the new N1MM+ spectrum display for more efficient S&P operation. More POINTS.


  • Outlaw Joe W8JH (one of our Snowbird Outlaws from Ohio) is HOA restricted during the months he is in Arizona, but that didn’t stop him from thinking about more POINTS. Joe has secured about 4 acres of raw land east of Queen Creek. He will put operate there with a 55’ vertical and generator and/or solar power. Joe also upgraded his older K3 to a new K3S. More POINTS.


  • Outlaw Jim W9FI found a location on his property that computed to be a sweeter HFTA spot for his C4SXL 4-bander yagi. He built another tower to relocate the antenna to that location and gain some dB. This tower also allowed him to raise the C4SXL from 40 to 55 feet, a real plus. He mentions a marked improvement on those bands and very likely many more POINTS.


  • Outlaw Bob Kile W7RH is nearing the completion stage of construction of a 40m 8-circle transmit/receive array. Those of you on Facebook check out the multitude of pics he has posted to chronicle the build. Very impressive and more POINTS. (Completed as of Fall 2017)


  • Outlaw Richard N7NT completely, 100%, revamped his entire station. New shack floors and wall, new radio bench, new tech bench, K3 radio with K-Pod, new Expert 1.3K-FA amp, new auto antenna switching system. Outside he added a 54’ crank up tower with a F12 Delta 4 and M2 6M5XHP yagis, all tied to a new lightning protection system and 11 ground rod grounding system. He also now has a Pixel Pro 1B receive loop for the low bands. Many other improvements too. More POINTS for sure.


  • Outlaw Sam N5FO likes his solid state Expert 1.3K-FA so much he will be selling his AL-1500 soon to get another Expert.


  • (July 2017) Outlaw Paul AE7VA reports the following, "Received a free, non-functional Henry 2KD-5 amplifier from a silent key's widow.  Troubleshooting identified the problem as failed HV capacitors (flashed over causing havoc everywhere), HV diodes and a few other small parts.  Through a small investment of $200 in new HV caps, a few small cheap parts and a very generous donation of three HV diodes from AA7A, the amp was repaired and used successfully during the first half of 2017. This Henry now provides 1.2 KW; double the RF out of the previously in-use Heathkit SB-200's 600 W. The increased Q count/rate was noticeable = More POINTS!


  • (Dec 2017) Outlaw "Yuma Mike" W6RW was recently issued a permit for  Hygain/Telex HG-70HD, 70 foot heavy duty free standing tower. More POINTS for AOCC!


  • (Dec 2017) One of our newer members, Outlaw Andy N4LAG is planning a Gen Martin Roof Tower and Hex-Beam at his Fountain Hills QTH. More POINTS!


  • (Dec 2017) Our AOCC Webmistress, Outlaw Sandy N7RQ purchased a great used K3 and is busily assembling the KR3XA second receiver in it. More POINTS for N7RQ, N7AT and AOCC!


  • (Dec 2017) Outlaw Bill K6WSC added a 160m vertical to the antenna farm, which now allows operation on all contest bands without swapping dipoles. The 160m antenna is the K6MM "No-Excuses" 160 Meter Vertical with some modifications. It’s a ground mounted helically wound vertical standing 25 feet tall. The farm includes two different antennas for each band (except for 160). More POINTS.


  • (Dec 2017) Outlaw John N1JM reports, "Finally had time to troubleshoot my K3s and found it actually was my 40 year old Astron 35A power supply that was the problem. Expecting a brand new ICOM IC7610 to arrive on 12/23/2017. Now if I only had antennas to go with these fine radios. However I am hoping to move out of my antenna restricted HOA after next year to put up some real antennas and find time for more contesting." More POINTS!


  • (Dec 2017) Outlaw Lee KY7M reports, "NA7TB added a Force 12 C-19XR triband yagi to its antenna farm. This will
    enable the Milt Jensen Memorial Station to participate much more effectively in general contests in the future." More POINTS!




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